Here some very good resources that make design issues alot simpler. One of the best ways to learn is to use your browser to view the source info of the site that you like. From that, you can see how it's done and try it out on your own. I'm still a novice at this design thing and always getting inspiration from the work of others.
There are many free web page templates on the internet. I suggest starting out with those just to get the hang of it. With a bit of practice, you can create your own pages from scratch. I know, there are those of us (including me) who don't have all that time to do so but want a web page of substance. I recommend using WYSIWYG web authoring packages. They are software bundled with all the html tags one would ever need to design one page or site, including seeing the page as it will appear on the web as you work. As you progress, you will find yourself inserting html tags on your own to enhance your page.
If you have any questions about this site or with creating your own web page, feel free to contact me.