animated phono

Welcome to our Phonograph Collection section! I have enjoyed collecting and seeing different wind-up phonographs over the last 7 years or so. I also enjoy attending phonograph shows whenever I can. My specific interests are in Edison wind-up phonographs and peripherals (horns, reproducers, etc.) Please let me know what you think. Thank you!

Cylinder Phonographs

Edison Standard Phonograph
with the Edison Signature logo, in tiger's eye oak
Edison Home Phonograph #1
with Cygnet horn and crane
Edison Home Phonograph #2
a side view
Edison Amberola Phonograph
internal horn, diamond stylus & 4-minute reproducer
Edison Standard Phonograph #1
with Banner Logo, horn & crane
Edison Standard Phonograph #2
a side view
Edison Clockwork Home Phonograph
from George L. Frow's Edison Cylinder Phonograph Companion

Disc Phonographs

Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph #1
with internal horn & dual speed control
Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph #2
a close up
A desk, you say?
What does ROSE say??
And more!
a little night music, anyone?
a phonograph desk, probably British, with a Victor reproducer