Do you enjoy reading medieval romances as much as I do? Then this site is for you - to keep track of your favorite medieval romance authors and their book lists. Each author's page features backcover copy from their books as well as cover art from the book, whenever available.  There are definitely a number of overlaps into the Elizabethan / Georgian / Hanover / Regency arena - but Medievals are the main intent here. Suggestions are welcomed.

Firstly. here's wishing you all lots of romance and happiness in the new year, and thank you for visiting Rose's Medieval Romances! 
Many wonderful authors have written in to Rose's Medieval Romances in the past year. Please check out their current titles at, and re-visit RMR from periodically for any updates to this site. If my memory serves me well, the following authors have had new titles published within the last year or so:

Shana Abe, Virginia Brown AKA Juliana Garnett, Jo Beverley, Laurel O'Donnell, May McGoldrick, Miriam Minger, Margaret Moore, Samantha James, Patricia Ryan, Maggie Davis AKA Katherine Devereaux

Secondly, I'd like for you all to know that this site is still very much active, but my updates have been rather sporadic lately, since I've become a brand spankin' new mommy to a  beautiful little baby boy last fall (9/2/99)! 
Thirdly, I had been saving many wonderful suggestions and assistance from both readers and authors since my last update, but my email program crashed, and regretfully, much of that material is gone... I'm still trying to see if I can retrieve them. I am still accepting suggestions and comments, so feel free to keep sending those in to:  
Thanks Gina, for your excellent contributions which I still have. Many more names, so little brain cells left.... 
Happy Reading!
 Thanks to Jere, Maggie, Connie, Janice, Cynthia & Stacey for their recommendations below and for additions elsewhere on the site. 
Lynn Bailey (Flowers by Moonlight)
Mallory Burgess
Linda Lang Bartell
Gayle Callen (The Darkest Knight)
Charlotte Boyett-Compo (The WindLegend Saga)
Tracy Cooper-Posey (Jewels of Morrow Series - in progress) - home page link
Candace Kohl (Destiny's Disguise)
Margo Maguire (The Bride of Windermere)
Tina St. John (Lord of Vengeance, Lady of Valor) - home page link
Katherine Sutcliffe (Hope and Glory)
Joan Van Nuys (Unwilling Betrayer, Beloved Enchantress) - home page link


The Literary Times - Ladies of the Message Board Collective pages

My gratitude to all authors who have contacted me since the birth of this site, and special thanks to all the women at The Literary Times Message Board for their helpful suggestions and encouragement! (especially Maggie, Merry, Doris, Lisa, Teresa, Ruth, Susan G., Pebby, Marsha, Shana, Mary Lou, Cathy, Kathy, Barb, CyOtE, CJ, Stobie and Laura ~ let me know if I missed anyone from the board!). If you're curious as to who we are, visit our collective web pages! Warm thanks to Kristin and Laura for their assistance to this growing site. 




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Revised: 1 June 2000


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